Jane Blaufus

Jane Blaufus

As we got deeper into the thick of 2020, I kept asking myself the same question over and over: who wants to hear one more podcast, read one more article or get on one more ZOOM call focusing on how to power through 2020? Well folks, I can tell you firsthand, I had reached the point where I certainly did not want to and a number of colleagues and friends expressed to me that they did not want to either. I thought, if I receive one more LinkedIn invitation from someone telling me how they could help me take my business up 10x or one more fellow trying to date me I thought I was going to scream (and I think I actually did once!). Therefore, I thought it was time to put a pause on my newsletter in August and before I knew it, we were at the end of the year and looking to 2021 for hope. I took a much-needed break over the holidays and by the end of the second week I was back in the office and already exhausted again. Can anyone else out there relate?

Those who know me, know that the vast majority of the time I am the glass-half-full kind of person and I like being that way. However, I am also a realist and I know that there are times when I feel like the glass really may be half-empty instead.  To combat this half-empty side I have decided to continue to focus on five things again this year that really helped me to survive the roller coaster ride that was 2020 and I hope they help you too!

  • Wake up on the right side of the bed. Before your feet hit the floor in the morning, make sure you are focusing on the positives that are going to come your way today. The first thing I am always grateful for each morning is that I have opened my eyes to live, laugh and love another day. Calm your mind from focusing on the negatives and ask yourself these questions, what am I excited about achieving today, who can I be of service to, what else am I grateful for today?
  •  Detox from bad news. Everywhere you look lately, there is something going on in the world that unfortunately we cannot control. However, you have the control to turn triggers off that can cause you to become negative. Take a break from watching the news or reading newspapers if you do not want to hear bad news. Resist the urge to read all of the gory details about something that has nothing to do with you. Instead, read a good book or watch a funny movie with your loved ones, walk your dog, have a dance party in your living room, sing at the top of your lungs, have a workout. Whatever works for you, simply do more of it.
  •  Self-care does not equate to being selfish. There has been increased demand on many people to take on additional tasks and projects. While we all want to help each other out during these unprecedented times we first must remember to take care of ourselves in order to take care of others. When we were all running around before stay-at-home orders, I am sure most of us were vigilant not to let our cell phone batteries run down. Why then do we allow our own personal batteries to become depleted much to our detriment? We need to make the time to recharge our batteries so we can run on all cylinders.
  •  Become aware of your own self-talk. Words are very powerful so become aware of the words you are saying to yourself. You may even want to make a list of the negative words you use and try replacing them with positive words. For example, I personally have had enough of the words pivot, shift, pandemic, etc. and have decided to replace them with words like opportunity, option, solution and growth. The words we use every day in our own self-talk can have a real effect on our attitude. I am also constantly reminding people that the word ‘No’ is indeed a full sentence.
  •  Celebrate your successes. Entrepreneurs and goal oriented individuals are so focused on striking things off the to-do list, they often forget to celebrate their accomplishments. When you finish a big project, land a new client, make a big sale, survive home schooling or another months’ worth of ZOOM calls stop and celebrate. Anything that reminds you of past achievements is great because they are yours. Each morning when I walk into my office, a poster size cover of my best-selling book signed by everyone who attended my book launch greets me and lifts my spirits.  Surround yourself with physical reminders of the positivity in your own life!

Remember, life is short so why not live it with a glass-half-full attitude. Here is to thriving in 2021!